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lördag 28 augusti 2010

Syksyn 2010 sieniartikkeli



Sienten suhteen voi väestön jakaa sienten poimijoihin Pickers ja sientenvälttäjiin Kickers. Suomi kuuluu erityisesti luonnon sienten poimijoihin, jtoen sienimyrkytykset eivät ole harvinaisia suomalaisilla.

Pohjoisamerikkalaiset katsotaan Kickers- ryhmäläisiksi, luonnon sienten välttäjiksi.

P-Italian merkittävimmät myrkkysienet sienisuvuista AMANITA, LEPIOTA, INOCYBE

Mycologia. 2010 May-Jun;102(3):747-54.
 Molecular detection of poisonous mushrooms in different matrices.

Epis S, Matinato C, Gentili G, Varotto F, Bandi C, Sassera D.Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, Università degli studi di Milano, Milano, Italy.
Työssä tutkittujen sienien nimistä: Sienien nimestä.
  • AMANITA-laji, Kärpässienilaji
A. phalloides , Kavala kärpässieni, Lömsk flugsvamp
  • LEPIOTA-lajeja , suomukaslajeja, Fjällskivlingar
Euroopassa on n.50 suomukaslajia ja niistä usea on myrkyllinen.
Lepiota cristata, Syrlig fjällskivling
Lepiota brunneoincarnata
  • INOCYBE-lajeja, Risakaslajeja, Risakkaita, Trådskivlingar, Trådingar 
Sitaatti  tiivistelmästä (engl.).


Amanita phalloides, Lepiota cristata, Lepiota brunneoincarnata and Inocybe asterospora are among the most important species responsible of mushroom poisoning in northern Italy. A real time PCR method for the identification of samples containing DNA from each of these species was developed. To test specificity all protocols were applied on DNA extracted from various mushroom species; sensitivity was assessed performing serial dilutions on all samples; versatility of the protocols was evaluated performing tests on DNA extracted from different matrices. The protocols showed high sensitivity (32 ng dried mushroom), high specificity and sensitive detection of DNA extracted from difficult samples, including pasta with mushroom, cooked mushrooms and gastric aspirates.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Inocybe, Risakas-laji. Agaricales

Göteborgin yliopistossa on eräs väitöskirja tehty eräästä inocybe-sienilajista .
RISAKAS_Risakkaita, INOCYBE, Trädskivlingar
  • WIKIPEDIATIETO: Alunperin näitä ripsuisia sieniä, risakkaita, luokiteltiin cortinariaeceae ryhmään mutta sittemmin omaan ryhmään Inocybaceae.
Originally placed in the family Cortinariaceae (later shown to be polyphyletic[1][2]), phylogenetic analyses suggests that the genus is better placed as the type genus of the family Inocybaceae.[3]
  • Tässä alla taas on ruotsalainen väitöskirja tästä lajista.
PubMed antaa siitä lyhennelmän, jonka kääntämisen jätän tällä kertaa.


The present study aimed at elucidating the structure of Inocybe subg. Inosperma sect. Rimosae but included also representatives from subg. Mallocybe and the genus Auritella. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using ITS, LSU and mtSSU sequence data. The analyses recovered the ingroup as a monophyletic, strongly supported clade. The results indicate that recognizing Auritella on the genus level renders Inocybe paraphyletic. The species traditionally placed in sect. Rimosae were found to be distributed over two strongly supported clades, Maculata and Rimosae s.s. The Maculata clade clusters with sect. Cervicolores and the two represent subg. Inosperma in a strict sense. Rimosae s.s. emerges as an independent, supported clade well separated from Inosperma s.s. Twenty-one terminal groups were correlated with morphologically distinct species. In addition several taxa on single branches and minor less supported clades were recovered. A key to the identified species of the Maculata and Rimosae s.s. clades which occur in Northwest Europe is provided.