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måndag 18 april 2022

ENTOLOMA(rusokas)-, OMPHALOTUS-suvusta ja TRICHOLOMA(valmuska)suvusta Japanin ruokamyrkytyksen aiheuttajia

Päivitystystieto ENTOLOMA -suvun sienilajista  ENTOLOMA  rhodopolium, alternatiivi nimi RHODOPHYLLUS  rhodopolius.


  • Entoloma rhodopolium, commonly known as the wood pinkgill, is a poisonous mushroom found in Europe and Asia. In fact, it is one of the three most commonly implicated fungi in cases of mushroom poisoning in Japan (Other two are Omphalotus japonicus and Tricholoma ustale).
  •  E. rhodopolium is often mistaken for edible mushroom, symptoms are predominantly gastrointestinal in nature, though muscarine  and choline have been isolated as toxic agents. The taxonomy of this species is currently unclear, with several different forms identified in North America, and questions over whether the European and North American fungi are even the same species. Entoloma is a genus of pink spored fungi. An alternate scientific name seen is Rhodophyllus rhodopolius, from Quelet's broader genus containing a larger subsection of pink-spored fungi. Entoloma nidorosum, previously considered a separate species, is now classified as a variety of this fungus. (en)


Entoloma rhodopolim tunnetaan  englantilaiselta nimeltä  "wood pinkgill", punaitiöinen metsäsieni.  Se on myrkkysieniä, joita tavataan Euroopasta ja Aasiasta . uutisiin se joutuu sen takia, että seon Japanissa kolmanneksi yleisin sieni  ravintoperäisissä sienimyrkytyksissä  (Japanissa  muut  kaksi sientä    ruokamyrkytyksissä ovat OMPHALOTUS japonicus ja TRICHOLOMA ustale.( Jälkimmäinen on  valmuska-sukua, musseroner). ENTOLOMA -suvun rusokasta  lululaan usein syömtäväksi.

Luonteeltaan myrkytys oireet ovat pääasiassa  gastrointestinaalisia. ENTOLOMA rhodopolium-sienestä  eristetty toksisia aineita, muskariinia  ja koliinia.  Näiden  lajien taxonomiassa on jotain epäselvyyttä .  Pohjois-Amerikassa on tunnistettu useita eri muotoja. On kyseenalaista, onko  nämä Euroopan ja Pohjois- Amerikan  sienet edes samaa lajia.  ENTOLOMA-sienigenuksen  merkitsijä on punaiset itiöt. Vaihtoehtoinen tieteellinen nimi on RHODOPHYLLUS rhodopolius


 Lisäys:Sitaatti  Japanin ylisimmästä ruokamyrkytyssienestä;  OMPHALOTUS japonicus.


 Pyökkimetsän VALMUSKA-laji: TRICHOLOMA ustale  (Bokmusseron)

Tietoa Japanin toisesta ruokamyrkytyssienestä:  TRICHOLOMA ustale. Bokmusseron (pyökkimetsän valmuska). Suomesta oli yksi havainto  Forssasta vuonna 1958. 

Etelä Ruotsissta on useita havaintoja.

Wikipedia lisää seuraavaa:
Tricholoma ustale is one of the three species most commonly implicated with mushroom poisoning in Japan[10] (Other two are Omphalotus japonicus and Entoloma rhodopolium). Consumption of the mushroom causes gastrointestinal distress, including symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea.[9] Chemical analysis of Japanese populations has revealed the toxic principles ustalic acid and several related compounds. Force-fed to mice, ustalic acid causes them to sit still in a crouched position, hesitant to move, and induces tremors and abdominal contractions. High enough concentrations of the toxin (10 milligrams per mouse) cause death.[9] Ustalic acid, an inhibitor of the sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+-ATPase) found in the plasma membrane of all animal cells, has been chemically synthesized.[11] The toxicity of North American populations is unknown.[2]

Tricholoma ustale is one of the three species most commonly implicated with mushroom poisoning in Japan[10] (Other two are Omphalotus japonicus and Entoloma rhodopolium). Consumption of the mushroom causes gastrointestinal distress, including symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea.[9] Chemical analysis of Japanese populations has revealed the toxic principles ustalic acid and several related compounds. Force-fed to mice, ustalic acid causes them to sit still in a crouched position, hesitant to move, and induces tremors and abdominal contractions. High enough concentrations of the toxin (10 milligrams per mouse) cause death.[9] Ustalic acid, an inhibitor of the sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+-ATPase) found in the plasma membrane of all animal cells, has been chemically synthesized.[11] The toxicity of North American populations is unknown.[2]

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