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söndag 26 september 2010

Pantherina oireyhtymä . Eräitten AMANITA lajien myrkyt. Pantterikärpässieni, Puna ja ruskokärpässienet

 PANTHERINA- syndroma, PANTHERINA oireyhtymä. 

antaa oireita  keskushermostosta ja perifeerisestä hermostosta.  Lisäksi se antaa oireita mahasuolikanavasta, levottomuutta, kiihtymystä, hallusinaatioita, sydämentykytystä, kuivat limakalvot ja isot  silmän pupillat eli mustuaiset. 

Näissä AMANITA- lajeissa esiintyy seuraavia  myrkkyija ja alla on niistä  pari  englantilaista lähdettä 

mm. iboteenihappoa, muskimolia, stizolobihappoa, stizolobiinihappoa , aminohexadieenihappoa, klorocrotylglysiiniä, metyylitetrahydrokarboliinikarboksyylihalloa (MTC) 

Näitten amanitalajien myrkkyvaikutuksen  alkamisajan latenssi on puolesta tunnista 2-4 tuntiin. 
Päivitys 18. 10. 2013 

LÄHDE: 1976
Lloydia. 1976 Mar-Jun;39(2-3):150-7.
Toxic metabolites of
Amanita pantherina, A. cothurnata, A. muscaria and other Amanita species.
Chilton WS, Ott J.

Forty-seven specimens representing 35 species or varieties of Amanita were examined for the presence of ibotenic acid, muscimol, stizolobic acid, stizolobinic acid, aminohexadienoic acid and chlorocrotylglycine. In addition, crude extracts of A. muscaria were examined chromatographically for the presence of methyltetrahydrocarboline carboxylic acid (MTC).
Ibotenic acid and muscimol were found in clearly detectable concentrations in extracts of A. cothurnata, all specimens of A. muscaria, all specimens of A. pantherina and in lower concentrations in A. gemmata.
Stizolobic acid and stizobinic acid were found in detectable concentrations in one variety of A. muscaria, in all specimens of A. pantherina and in trace levels after additional purification of the extracts in A. gemmata and in the remaining specimens of A. muscaria.
Aminohexadienoic acid and chlorocrotylglycine were detected only in crude extracts of A. smithiana.
MTC could not be detected in crude extracts of A. muscaria.
Crystalline ibotenic acid (820 mg) was isolated from 17 kg of a specimen of A. pantherina collected in western Washington State.

  • sisältää iboteenihapon isoxatsolijohdannaisia , muskimolia, muskatsonia ja muita toksiineja kuten muskariinia
isoxazole derivatives ibotenic acid, muscimol and muscazone and other toxins such as muscarine ( engl)
4. Amanita muscaria, Röd flugsvamp, punakärpässieni
Search PubMed: " Fly agaric, Amanita muscaria "
LÄHDE: Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2006 May;118(9-10):294-7. Prolonged psychosis after Amanita muscaria ingestion. Brvar M, Mozina M, Bunc M.
Poison Control Center, University Medical Center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Amanita muscaria has a bright red or orange cap covered with small white plaques. It contains the isoxazole derivatives ibotenic acid, muscimol and muscazone and other toxins such as muscarine. The duration of clinical manifestations after A. muscaria ingestion does not usually exceed 24 hours; we report on a 5-day paranoid psychosis after A. muscaria ingestion.
A 48-year-old man, with no previous medical history, gathered and ate mushrooms he presumed to be A. caesarea. Half an hour later he started to vomit and fell asleep. He was found comatose having a seizure-like episode. On admission four hours after ingestion he was comatose, but the remaining physical and neurological examinations were unremarkable. Creatine kinase was 8.33 microkat/l. Other laboratory results and brain CT scan were normal. Toxicology analysis did not find any drugs in his blood or urine. The mycologist identified A. muscaria among the remaining mushrooms. The patient was given activated charcoal. Ten hours after ingestion, he awoke and was completely orientated; 18 hours after ingestion his condition deteriorated again and he became confused and uncooperative. Afterwards paranoid psychosis with visual and auditory hallucinations appeared and persisted for five days. On the sixth day all symptoms of psychosis gradually disappeared. One year later he is not undergoing any therapy and has no symptoms of psychiatric disease. We conclude that paranoid psychosis with visual and auditory hallucinations can appear 18 hours after ingestion of A. muscaria and can last for up to five days.
PMID: 16810488 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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